SA Xtreme Tennis

Encompassing both ambulatory and wheelchair tennis, this Para sport mirrors the traditional sport and can be played by anyone with a physical disability. Athletes will learn the fundamentals of tennis as well as gameplay.  Athletes will work towards successful rallies to compete in matches. Learn more about scholarships here.

Division Info

Appropriate for children who walk independently.
Appropriate for children who use an assistive device.
Appropriate for children who use a wheelchair.

SA Xtreme

Coaches offer techniques and training to increase athlete’s endurance and improve tennis stroke technique. All equipment and sports chairs are provided for participants in the program.

Division Requirements

  • Must only have a physical disability
  • Successful tryout or recommendation by staff
  • Possess the skill and desire to compete at a higher level
  • Must be able to comprehend and retain rules and skills, and then build upon them from week to week
  • 1:1 support is not provided, so must be able to train, compete, function in a group setting and follow the coach’s directions without volunteer assistance
Typically offered
Weekly practices for 2 mos
Program Fee
Monthly fee based on season duration, practices, and uniforms

Sport Requirements:

  • Athletes can be ambulatory or use assistive devices such as crutches, a walker, or wheelchair
  • Must be able to demonstrate a forward and back hand stroke
  • Frequent water breaks will be taken, but must be able to withstand heat and outside weather conditions