SA Premier AgilityFit

SA Premier AgilityFit is offered to independent ambulators, those who use assistive devices and athletes who use wheelchairs. SA Premier coaches offer techniques and training to increase speed, strength, agility, coordination and endurance for athletes with a desire and ability to compete or perform at a higher level. This division trains for CrossFit competitions in and around San Antonio. Looking for a different division? Check out SA Xtreme or recreational AgilityFit. Learn more about scholarships here.

Division Info

Appropriate for children who walk independently.
Appropriate for children who use an assistive device.
Appropriate for children who use a wheelchair.

SA Premier

Division Requirements

  • Athlete may have a physical or intellectual disability
  • Successful tryout or recommendation by staff
  • Possess the skill and desire to compete at a higher level
  • Must be able to comprehend and retain rules and skills, and then build upon them from week to week
  • 1:1 support is not provided, so must be able to train, compete, function in a group setting and follow the coach’s directions without volunteer assistance
  • Athletes will train with the goal of participating in competitions in and/or out of San Antonio
Typically offered
Winter Spring Summer Fall
Twice weekly practices for 6 months
Program Fee
Monthly fee based on season duration, practices, and uniforms


  • Must be able to independently count repetitions of an exercise and stop at a designated number.
  • Must be able to independently initiate the next exercise in a listed sequence.  


  • Must be able to retrieve weight in various forms (dumbbell, kettlebell, barbell, etc) from the floor unassisted (at least 5 lbs in weight) and bring to hip height.
  • Must be able to lift weight in various forms (dumbbell, kettlebell, barbell, etc) above head and/or chest with full elbow extension (at least 5 lbs in weight)
  • Must be able to independently step up and down 12-inch step.
  • Must be able to independently transition from standing to lying on stomach and returning to stand.
  • Must be able to independently transition from standing to lying on back and returning to stand.


  • Must benefit from corrections to form and adjustments to body movements (cues may be modeled, verbal, visual, or tactile) and adjust accordingly.
  • Must adhere to all safety guidelines provided by gym and coaches, with a special focus on safety related to heavy weights. 
  • Athletes must understand spatial awareness during workouts and movements.